Owner FAQ

  1. What tax documents do you provide?
  • We send you an annual 1099, and a monthly cash flow statement. If we manage more than one property, you will receive a breakdown of expenses for EACH property. We also forward you a 1098 from your Mortgage company, if it is sent to us.
  1. What restrictions are there on selecting tenants?
  • AH Management adheres strictly to Fair Housing ordinances, which prohibits us from unequal treatment of applicants. You adhere to them, through us, by the Management Agreement you sign. Through our extensive selection process, AH Management assures the selection of the most highly qualified applicant for your home. Applicants can only be rejected or selected based on their credit history.
  1. What should I do if my tenant contacts me, or if a neighbor complains about my tenant?
  • Ask the tenant to call or write us with any concerns, complaints, or problems. That way, we protect your privacy, and track events related to your home. The same applies to your neighbors. Just refer them to us with any issues or concerns they might have.
  1. What about utilities?
  • Have the bills sent to our office, but keep them in your name, when you move out. That way, we can monitor usage, start-stop dates, and have account numbers on hand if needed.
  1. What about HOA and Condo notices?
  • If we pay your HOA or condo fees, we will receive correspondence and send you copies. If you pay, you should keep us advised of any pertinent information.
  1. When will I receive my rental money?
  • Owner disbursements are done via ACH deposits on or before the 10th of every month.
  1. Why do I need to leave a reserve in my escrow account?
  • By law we have to treat every account as a separate escrow account. Generally the reserve amount is your normal monthly recurring payables plus a maintenance buffer of six hundred dollars ($600.00)
  1. Why don’t you use my vendors, suppliers or contractors?
  • Of course we can, and will if requested to do so however, our vendor list is compiled of licensed, insured and bonded companies, who will bill us rather than insist on receiving payment in advance; like most vendors. That way we track all expenses for your tax records.
  1. Why do I have to clean my carpets, gutters and the wood burning fire place?
  • Tenants expect a clean home, just like you expect upon your return. We want the property to be handed back to you just like tenants received it.
  1. Why would I have to pay the attorney to get the tenant to move out of my property?
  • If we can not get the tenant to move voluntarily, then we have to invoke the legal system to get control of the property. This requires filing different paperwork at different stages of the process. Ultimately it requires an appearance in court before a judge. Court room appearances are litigation. Litigation is a highly skilled part of the legal process. As a property owner, you are a potential “deep pocket” for a tenant or a lawyer to come after. Mistakes in the filing of certain actions can give rise to civil suits by tenants. Since we are dealing with an asset worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, it is only right to get the best representation we can.
  1. Am I responsible for all repairs to my house?
  • As the owner you are responsible for damage occurring from normal wear and tear or functional or economic obsolescence. Tenant related damage is carefully covered in The Deed of Lease and is normally charged to the tenant. Some jurisdictions go so far as to spell out exactly what repairs a tenant can be held responsible for. In recent years we have noticed how local governments and courts are increasingly holding property owners to stricter and tighter adherence to local building and housing codes. Tenant advocacy lawyers advertise for disgruntled tenants. Our role as your property manager is to react to repair requests however; we must also try and keep you as the property owner from getting into trouble inadvertently through violations of the local housing codes.
  1. Why don’t you use my Home Owner Warranty listed vendors, suppliers or contractors?
  • Having reliable, prompt service by trusted vendors is of prime importance to us in our efforts to maintain your property. We have found many times that Home Owner Warranty recommended vendors do not have the same sense of urgency in providing this type of rapid quality response. But if you insist, we certainly will.